Whether you receive benefits through Medicare or a private insurance company it is important to know what care you are eligible to receive. It is also important to know what this care will cost you. Both Medicare and Medicare replacement plans (offered by private health insurance companies) will have limits and out of pocket expenses. Every patient should contact their insurance provider and ask for a detailed explanation of their benefits. If possible this should be done prior to receiving medical care. This will avoid unexpected and costly medical bills. If you are currently in the hospital doctors, nurses and hospital social workers can help you contact your particular insurance company. Knowing your benefits will allow you to recover quicker, avoid hospital stays and get the most out of your insurance policy. Some of these benefits include:
- Telephone follow ups from your hospital case manager
- Home visits by a nurse
- Home visits by a doctor
- Electronic and in home health monitoring
- Home delivered meals
- Transportation to and from appointments
- Caregiver training and support
- Medication evaluation and education
- Health education and coaching
- Home safety plans
- Dental Care
- In-House prescription and drop off
Not all services are covered by all plans however all companies have toll free numbers for you to call to determine what services are available to you. Keep that number handy by writing it below.